
Chie Kojima


Dr. Kojima was born and grew up in Osaka. She entered Department of Applied Materials Science, College of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University (OPU), and skipped her 4th grade of her undergraduate course. She received her master’s degree in Engineering from OPU in 2001. This work was supervised by Prof. Toru Takagishi, Ph.D. She received her Ph.D. in Biostudies from Kyoto University in 2005. The title of her thesis is Regulation of Bin1 SH3 Domain Binding by Phosphoinositides, which was supervised by Prof. Hisataka Sabe, Ph.D. She was a NEDO junior fellow in Osaka Bioscience institute during her doctoral course (Oct, 2001-Mar, 2002). She was an assistant professor (former a research associate) at Department of Applied Chemistry, School of Engineering, OPU from 2005 to 2008. In 2008, she was a visiting scientist of National Cancer Institute (NCI)/National Institute of Health (NIH), which was supported by the Program to Accelerate the lnternationalization of University Education (Overseas Advanced Educational Research Practice Support Program) from MEXT. She was a tenure-track lecturer at Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research Center, Research Organization for 21st Century, OPU from 2009 to 2013. She passed the tenure screening and got a position of Associate Professor at Department of Applied Chemistry, School of Engineering, OPU in 2014. In 2022, OPU and Osaka City University were united to build up Osaka Metropolitan University (OMU). In 2024, she became a full professor at Department of Materials Science and Engineering, School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology.

Research Theme

Development of polymer-based nanomedicine

Research Interests

  • Preparation of next generation nanobiomaterials
  • Preparation of stimuli-responsive nanoparticles
  • Preparation of artificial proteins 


  • The Society of Polymer Science, Japan
  • The Japanese Biochemical Society
  • Japanese Society for Biomaterials
  • The Chemical Society of Japan
  • The Japan Society of Drug Delivery System
  • Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine
  • Japanese Society for Molecular Imaging
  • The Japanese Peptide Society
  • The Kinki Chemical Society Japan 
  • The Japanese Cancer Association


  • 2002 Young Researcher Award (Osaka Bioscience lnstitute)
  • 2008 Young lnvestigator’s Award (American Academy of Nanomedicine 4th Annual symposium)
  • 2010 Dr. Louis Moroder Award (5th International Peptide Symposium)
  • 2011 Young Scientist Lecture Award (The Society of Polymer Science, Japan, KANSAI)
  • 2014 SPSJ Award for the Outstanding Paper in Polymer Journal sponsored by ZEON (The Society of Polymer Science, Japan (SPSJ))
  • 2015 The CSJ Award for Women Chemists (The Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ)) 

Academic Society Activities

  • Senior Scientific Research Specialist, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) in Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology – Japan
  • Councilor of The Japan Society of Drug Delivery System
  • Councilor of Japanese Society for Biomaterials
  • Councilor of The Kinki Chemical Society Japan
  • Section Board Member of Polymers (MDPI)       etc.

東京科学大学 物質理工学院 材料系


〒226-8503 横浜市緑区長津田町4259 J2棟 501室

Kojima Laboratory

Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Institute of Science Tokyo

4259 Nagatsuta-cho, Midori-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 226-8503, Japan

Copyright © Kojima Laboratory